Saturday, April 18, 2009

I know, I know. It's been a while. Kim put up these pics long ago and I haven't carved out the time to populate the space in between with narrative. In the last post I mentioned that we made a little move down south to the Tampa/ St Pete area. Well, that didn't last long. Long story short, I took a position in the Albany area and we decided to re-re-locate to our home in Alplaus, NY. So, we're back. For the moment, Kim is staying home with Mikaila. Mikaila came back from Florida (via plane, in the midst of the swine flu epidemic by the way) with what I would characterize as moderate separation to sever separation anxiety. Kim can't leave the room for 2 consecutive minutes without inducing a panic. Her anxiety manifests itself in many forms, most of which are not particularly convenient for us. However, they all pale in comparison to our current sleeping arrangements. You see, Mikaila simply will not sleep in her crib. Frankly, she won't be left alone for any significant period of time. So, she sleeps with us in our bed. Kim finds it cute. I, on the other hand......... well, I'm not so pleased. We hope to develop and execute a transition that gets her back into her crib shortly.

Looking at the pictures though it seems I should provide a bit of detail on her time in Florida. We drove down to Florida, Mikaila, Grandma Ducky and a trailer in tow to begin a new life in Florida. The plan was for Kim to begin work, Davia to watch Mikaila and for me to head back to Albany to get the house ready to be put on the market. I did a bit of networking down there to develop opportunities but just as I was gaining some traction down there, I received a job offer in the Albany region that I had to take. So again, long story short we decided to head back north leaving the fun and sun of Florida behind. However, much fun was had in the intervening months as evidenced by some of the photos herein. Mikaila went to the beach, had her first boat ride, swam in the pool, went out to eat often and for the most part, got a chance to interact with a world that she had only observed through a window. The kid gloves came off in Florida: we took her out to eat a dozen or more times, took her shopping, to a bar etc. She has had some of those same experiences since her return but it all began in Florida. Many thanks to Kim's brother Mikie and Denyve for there overly generous hospitality. They opened up their lovely new home to us and we certainly could not have done it without them.

When we left the Albany area, Mikaila was struggling to keep herself stable while sitting up. While in Florida, about two weeks after our arrival, she began to crawl thereby dramatically changing the dynamic for those in charge of her caregiving. A mobile Mikaila is much more difficult to deal with. One must account for her whereabouts at all time.

On Fathers Day, she began to walk and our lives have been forever changed. We will post photos and videos

I'm now finishing this post the morning of September 16, many months after I began. I will follow up with another very soon. Enjoy the photos, videos and pyrotechnics.

Mikaila Kissing Herself in the Mirror

Mikaila Just Starting to Crawl

Mikaila Kissing Tigger

Mikaila Horsey Ride

Mikaila Walking

Mikaila Crawling Through Her Tunnel

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Mikaila!

Wow! It's hard to believe it's been a year since we welcomed little Mikaila into this world some 12 weeks earlier than anticipated. If you will recall, although she arrived on March 24, her original due date was June 18. We received so many inquires as to Mikaila's status in the early moments that we decided to start this blog to serve as a mass communication mechanism. I believe this blog has served it's purpose faithfully with the only limiting factors being the talent, time and inclination of the writer.
We had a very small family get together on Saturday to celebrate the first anniversary of Mikaila's arrival. She received a ton of fun presents, many of which were related to the sun, sand and fun of the beach. You see, we are making a little (probably temporary) move to the Tampa/St. Pete area, in the Gulf Coast of Florida. Sorry to those that are hearing this now but we have been working through several opportunities, many of which are still in play so we wanted to keep our options open until we were forced to make a decision. Back on point....... She scored a ton of gear, from bathing suits to sun dresses, sandals and sun hats. She also received a blow up pool, floaties, shovels and pails..... Let's just say she did well. We'll add pictures before we hit the road for Florida tomorrow night. For the time being, we will be staying with her brother in St. Pete.
Today, we took Mikaila to see her doctor for her one year/9 months adjusted visit. As always, he was very pleased with her progress and noted that her growth curve, although uniquely hers, mirrors the slope of the normal curves. She posted a weight of 14 lbs 12 ounces and her length is well within the normal range. Two shots were administered to her leg. She was a real trooper but she has been very cranky this evening, likely a consequence of the shots. The vigor I referred to in the opening moments of the very first post has never waned.
Mikaila had her 9 month developmental assessment about week ago. In virtually every regard, Mikaila meets or exceeds her developmental milestones. She does lag a bit in one area; gross motor skills, manifested most obviously in Mikaila's inability to crawl. It seems that Mikaila is content to dive and roll for objects she desires, with little concern for how long it takes. She never feels compelled to expedite her quest by attempting to crawl. We are working on it and will work even harder now that we have a cool and cushy play mat, complements of cousins Chrissy, Jay and Elise.
I apologize for the brevity of this post but we are leaving tomorrow and I have yet to pack any clothes. I'll try to do a follow up post in the next week. Cheers.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


It's been an emotional week for us.  Kim's grandfather David Jutton, affectionately known as Grampie, passed away last Tuesday morning.  He truly was the patriarch of the family and his absence in the short week since his passing, is already palpable.  Kim's mother Davia officiated a wonderful yet tear-filled service on Sunday and the equally emotional burial on Monday.  Gramp faithfully served our country during WWII and as such was honored with a soldiers burial.  The Honor Guard presented Davia and her sister Sandy with folded flags as Taps played in the background:  A ceremony befitting an exemplary member of the greatest generation .

During the service, I had a moment of clarity; something told me that I had to update the blog with new content.  I can't quite put my finger on it.  Perhaps it was the fifteen or so followers of the blog not so subtly hinting that they still check the site regularly to find nary an update.  No, that's not it.  I wonder what it was.  Anyway, I shall attempt to remedy that today.  This post will be a tribute to Gramp.  Sadly, we don't have many pictures of Grampie and Mikaila but we will post what we do have intermingled with the content that follows.  We will also post several more recent pictures of Mikaila as there isn't a ton of news to report.

Mikaila is up to 14 lbs.  Although she is still well below the curve for even a baby of 8 months (her adjusted age, she has actually been with us for 11 months) her curve seems to be following the slope of the typical curves.  We tend to not worry to much anymore about how much she is taking in and now have redirected our efforts toward increasing the percentage of her intake that comes from solids.

A few weeks ago, we moved Mikaila from the bassinet to her crib.  That move coincided with our move back to our bedrooms.  I may have mentioned that I did some work on our floors over the holidays and as such we had to move our bed down to the living room area.  We finally moved our bed back to our bedroom which necessitated moving Mikaila upstairs.  She was roughly 11 months old at that point so it was long overdue.  For the last few months Mikaila has kept us up at night.  Kim and I take turns getting up to comfort her back to sleep.  She seemed to have turned the corner a few weeks ago only to regress in the last several days.  We've heard that sleep issues may be a recurring theme.  I hope they're wrong.


From the get go, Mikaila has been both communicative and expressive.  Through a series of screams, grunts, facial expressions and arm movements, Mikaila has always been very effective at getting her point across.  Mikaila has taken her communication skills to a new level in the recent months as she has proven to be quite the babbler.... just like her mommy.  

Pardon me folks.  I had to tend to a nose bleed administered by my loving wife.  Back on point, babbling is a precursor to speaking.  Mikaila has said both Dada and Mama although we aren't sure she really knows what they mean; at least I'm not sure.  She seems to be on the brink of speaking.  At times, she attempts to mimic the words we speak by manipulating her lips as we do.  We'll let you know when she actually strings words to together and knows of what she speaks.


She is in a similar spot as it relates to crawling.  Although she really doesn't crawl yet she is very close.  She can hold herself in position without a problem and her hips now allow her to keep her legs from splaying.  At this point she tends to rock herself forward.  She does struggle, however, with shifting her weight.  The Physical Therapist worked with us on how best to help Mikaila and we will continue working with her.  Frankly, I think Mikaila would rather walk than crawl.

Teething Still

It doesn't seem possible and I wouldn't believe it if I weren't living it but Mikaila has yet to have a tooth pop through.  Most avid followers of this blog know that Mikaila has been teething for months.  By months, I don't mean two months.  I'm talking many months.  Her gums are white so we know they are coming but when they actually break through is anyone's guess.

Quick Study

In recent months she has also taken to studying everything she touches or sees.  I think she is less interested in what things do than how they do it.  That explains her preference to mimic our facial expressions when we talk rather than creating the sounds that come out of our mouths. These tendencies show in her interaction with toys.  When given a block for instance, she tend to study each side.  The same can be said for Mikaila's hands.  She finds her hands fascinating and stares at them while flexing her fingers and shifting her wrists.  Perhaps she'll be an engineer or maybe an inventor?  I'm just happy that she's intellectually curious.


We will be celebrating the one year anniversary of Mikaila's birth on the 24th.  It's hard to believe we've been at this for a year.  She really has had a remarkable course and we feel blessed every day by her health and progress.  We don't have any elaborate plans for her birthday- we have lived like hermits for the last year fending off invaders with germs- but we will probably do something.  We will be sure to post pictures.

This post has been sitting for a while unposted.  Kim and I have had our hands full so we haven't been able to cobble together the pictures of Grampie and Mikaila.  However, I want to get this post up to appease the followers.  We will add pics shortly.  Enjoy.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Well, pull up a chair.... we're gonna be a while.  Kim has given me a blog-related honey-do list, the likes of which... I'm gonna stop with the hyperbole before I get in trouble.  So, let's just say Happy New Year!

To catch up, Mikaila had her Developmental Pediatric evaluation at a corrected age of 16 weeks-it must have been in October.  Her Cognitive/Adaptive skills were solidly at 18 weeks. Her Gross Motor Skills were solidly at 18 weeks and her Fine Motor Skills were at 20 weeks.  At that point, her language skills were comparable to that of a 24 week old and her Personal-Social skills measured between the 18 and 20 week level.  The doctor's only concern was understandably Mikaila's issues related to her feeds.  She recommended increasing the frequency of the visits by the feeding specialist.  We will do a follow up visit with the developmental folks 6 months from the October appointment.

You're going to notice a bunch of pictures that do a much better job of capturing Mikaila's beauty.  No, I haven't been practicing my photography.  Rather, Kim's sister Kelly brought in a photographer as a Christmas present and she did a great job.  We took a ton of shots in several outfits- my Study resembled backstage at a variety show- but the results were clearly amazing.

Halloween was interesting.  She had no less than 3 costumes to wear- Exhibit A, the Pumpkin thing below.

We slowly began introducing solids into Mikaila's diet in the fall and she seems to be making slow but steady progress.  You may recall that we began with a very exciting blend of rice cereal and breast milk.  That just sounds scrumptious, doesn't it.  Say it out loud, rice cereal.  Yum.  We moved from there to bananas and then avocado.  She really enjoyed the bananas and seemed to be liking the avocado until she developed an allergic reaction.  So, unfortunately, avocado is out. At this point, although her diet is still primarily comprised of breast milk, she does take in solids 2-4 times each day.  Likes: Butternut Squash, sweet potatoes, bananas, applesauce, long walks and sunsets.  Dislikes: Chicken, peas, mean people and war.  She has also had carrots, green beans and prunes.

I mentioned Mikaila's feeding issues.  She certainly has progressed a bit but her issues persist.  She has been on Zantac for most of her life to counteract the effects of acid reflux.  A few months ago we began exploring other options with her pediatrician in an attempt to advance her progress.  Dr. Miller prescribed Prevacid.  Initially Mikaila actually regressed so Dr. Miller upped her dosage. In parallel, Mikaila continued to see the feeding specialist (Gina) assigned by Schenectady County Early Intervention.  Gina believes Mikaila's feeding issues are related to some underlying medical condition causing discomfort and recommended we see a specialist.  We were referred to Pediatric GI Specialist, Dr. Qualia, and paid him a visit in November.  He was happy with Mikaila's weight gain and didn't think invasive tests were warranted at this point.  Dr. Qualia did express some concern with Mikaila's recently upped dosage of Prevacid and mentioned evidence in studies of bone cancer with extended over usage.  Fortunately, Mikaila was only on the high dosage for a week so we really aren't concerned.  After the visit, we severely reduced her Prevacid intake and her symptoms returned so we ended up going back to Zantac. Got that all?  We'll be following up with Dr. Qualia again later this month.

Baby Tricks

Mikaila has developed physically quite a bit since my last post.  She has been rolling from front to back for a while and recently began rolling back to front.  She can sit up unsupported for stretches while playing with a toy but falls over if she looks up.  She isn't quite mobile as of yet but she is making an effort to crawl.  We'll continue to work on that but I think she may be more comfortable on her feet than on her hands and knees; frankly, I think she is frustrated that she can't walk now.  Just this week I was holding Mikaila on the floor on her activity mat.  She was sitting but decided to use the arms of the mat to pull herself up to a standing position.  She held the position for a while unassisted.  Occasionally, Mikaila will reach for a hand that is held up to her simulating a high five.  Kim and Kelly insist she is completing a high five, others are skeptical. 


Mikaila's Physical Therapy occurs monthly. Her PT, Karen, has been very pleased with her progress  and indicated on several occasions that Mikaila is developing normally on her own so there is no need to focus on development of any particular muscle group.  She has been teething for months now but to this point, nothing has popped through.  Her gums are very bumpy but then again, they have been bumpy for months.  Perhaps she'll skip the baby teeth and go straight to adult teeth?  I'm on board; it will save us a few bucks in quarters under the pillow.

The visiting nurse still comes to the house monthly but the nurse has changed.  Her original nurse was transferred to another position. Since November, Mikaila has been given an RSV shot to reduce the chances of contracting respiratory syncytial virus, a debilitating respiratory virus that is particularly troubling for premature babies.  The visiting nurse administers Synagis at her visits and will do so through March.  Mikaila doesn't care for these shots.  Neither does her mother.

In the last few weeks, Mikaila has begun waking up often at night.  A few times each night, we'll hear Mikaila screaming and have to go pick her up and walk her for a while.  I should add that we have moved our bed and Mikaila's bassinet downstairs to the living room as we complete refinishing about 700 sqft of our hardwood floors.  So, when she yells, we hear it.  Actually, when she moves we hear it.  Last night, I had to walk her from 11:30pm to midnight and 1:30-3:00 am.  Kim got up with her at 5:30 and stayed up.  The night before, I was up with her from 3:30 am on.  Let's hope these events are anomalies and do not constitute a trend.

Mikaila's eyes are currently green although that may not last long.  Kim has big blue eyes and I have brown eyes so where they end up is anyone's guess.  Kim seems to think the shape of her eyes come from me.  Perhaps so but I think the size clearly comes from Kim.


Mikaila celebrated her 9 month birthday on Christmas Eve by opening presents with my mother and step-father.  She actively participated in the opening of presents particularly excelling and reveling in the tearing of wrapping paper.  It seems she enjoyed crinkling the tissue paper in the gift bags far more than the presents themselves.  Mikaila scored a pretty impressive haul between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Kim's family.  Among the presents under the tree; her first pony (pictured), a dozen or so outfits, swaddles, blankets, toys and stuffed animals.

Mikaila had her 9 Month Pediatrician visit this week.  Dr. Miller was pleased with her progress and indicated that her weight gain was within the acceptable range.  She currently stands at 12 lbs 14 ounces.  Although she is still significantly below the curve, the slope of her curve very much mimics that of the ones above her.  Translation, her weight is still very low but her growth is very much in line with that of a typical infant.  Kim and I were quite amazed with where Mikaila now stands with some of the other metrics.  It seems Mikaila's growth curve for both her height and head circumference has intersected with the traditional curves for 9-month olds.  She caught up.  I guess she's just lean.  You should see her abs!

That's about it for now.  I'll try to do a better job of keeping up with the blog.  Translation, Kim vows to step up the badgering until I comply.

I hope everyone had a enjoyable and safe New Year's Eve and that 2009 brings you all of the successes you covet.