OK, this is the first post with Mikaila home. We were able to take her home late morning after spending the night in the Rooming In Suite. I'm assuming having experienced their accommodations in all it's splendor that they are using the word "suite" literally. Yes, there were two adjoining "rooms" but the accouterments were far from plush. We did manage to grab a few hours of sleep between 5am and 8am but it certainly wasn't a sound sleep.
Mikaila was released on oxygen so we are forced to deal with variables seldom experienced with term babies. As in the hospital, her oxygen saturation, breaths per minute and heart rate are constantly monitored. Unfortunately, the portable monitor we have at the house is far less elegant than the one at the NICU. Some of the technological limitations of this mobile unit contributed to us not getting any sleep last night. A little tape to the sensors and it's all good (a little street for the youngins.)
She seems to be getting acclimated to her new surroundings. Most of her day was spent laying on chests; the chest of her mother, father, aunt, grandma and grandpa. She seems to prefer that to laying in her new bed. Mikaila's bottle feeds went well today. In fact, we were told that we can try more than 40mls as tolerated. We gave her 50 mls at 2 and she gladly gulped it all down.
We will weigh her on our new scale prior to her 11 pm feed. We haven't established a baseline with this scale so don't be disturbed if the number seems out of whack. We won't be having the department of weights and measures come in to calibrate the scale so the number she posts today will only serve as a baseline to compare against going forward.
Ok, we weighed her on our new scale. She was wearing a diaper, a little sun dress and the probes and wires that monitor her vitals. So, understand that we have no idea what all of that stuff weighs. With all of that stuff on her, she weighed 2170 grams or 4 lbs 12 1/2 ounces. Again this is merely a new starting point; nothing more.