Mikaila’s isolette temperature was reduced to 27.5 C or 81.5 F. She really hasn’t had any issues with maintaining her temperature. Assuming she handles this reduction, and she will, they will move her to 27 C. The next step is room temperature so she really is close in this regard.
The last little nugget to report relates to Mikaila’s eyes. She had her first eye test today. Although the event was rather traumatic for our little peanut, she emerged relatively unscathed and passed her examination with flying colors. She didn’t even study. This was a routine test and will be re-administered in a month.
That’s all I have for today. Kim will be posting a picture or two momentarily.
Here are the pics and I have been instructed to introduce them with some detail. As a rule, I try to avoid accommodating specific requests. I mentioned in an earlier post that entertaining these requests can be dangerous; my lawyer friends know well the slippery slope argument. However, we had a suggestion that I thought was worthy enough to consider breaking my rule; to capture Mikaila in a picture with my wedding band. If you will recall, I took a picture of Mikaila with my wedding band on her wrist when she was only a few hours old. Well, fortunately, that same band would have no chance of fitting on her wrist at this point. So, we decided to post a picture of Mikaila with my wedding band next to her arm.
my, oh my! what a wonderful day!
i can't believe how much she has grown! truly amazing. i can't wait to meet her in person. you do realize, now that we are all so involved with her life, you are obligated to continue the blog until she leaves for college. . .
Grandma Too gets on a plane tomorrow and will be back in Mikaila territory by evening. Can't wait to see Mikaila in her new and improved body! The wedding ring photo really puts things in perspective... and I looked again at the picture of my hand pointing to her little fingers in an older picture. Amazing how healthy babies are able to grow! woudn't have believed it if I handn't seen her do it! And its no surprise that those roving and alert eyes turned out to be perfectly healthy!
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