Friday, July 4, 2008

7 lbs 1 ounce

We weighed Mikaila prior to her 8pm feed and she registered 7 lbs 1 ounce. Her pace slowed in the last 10 days or so creating a close contest. Congratulations to Diane. When I have the bottle in hand, I can either send it or bring it with me on my next trip to Rochester. I tend to come to town at least once a month. Enjoy.


markoman said...

CONGRATULATIONS to Mikaila (and Diane)!

way to go girls(s)!!

There she goes--beating the odds every time! nice work Milkaila. keep up the good work.


Unknown said...

Congratulations Mikaila on growing!!! Grow Mikaila Grow seems to be the motto that will follow Mikaila all her life.

Well done to Dara and Kim too, as they're the ones feeding Mikaila and looking after her. All she does is eat, grow, eat, poop, sleep, eat, grow, grow, poop!

Charlene said...

Cheers Diane! We hope you enjoy this old Bordeaux wine as much as we did.
I plan to bring it with me when I get back to Kim and Dara's on or about the 16th. (couldn't bring it this past week due to the car being left for a week at the airport in Boston during hot weather!)
P.S. It was wonderful seeing Kim and Dara ... I was worried about their own health holding up but frankly both look fantastic ... and Mikaila my Darling Girl, I miss you ... but you are with me every moment in spirit!

Unknown said...

Woooohooo Mikaila!!!..7 pounds....awesome sweet sweet baby!
you make me soo happy to hear this fantastic news...yo Dara ...any luck with the video with Mikaila on your Moms tummy...I'm dying to see it!
Thanks man!
High 5 to Kim and you for such a fine parenting job....ooh you all make me so proud :)

Wendy's mom said...

Mikaila I knew you could do it!! She is nothing if not a miracle. I have been away on vacation and just got home, Wendy called us while we were away with the great news.....of course she wants to taste that Bordeaux!!