Mikaila has been off of oxygen for 9 days now. I’ll take a moment for you to internalize that information, disseminate to those within earshot, and engage in whatever celebration ritual endemic to your heritage. I’ve always been partial to the Jig but the Icky Shuffle is a close second. Ok, we’re back. Dr. Schroeder, her pulmonologist, ordered an overnight oxymetry. If all goes well, and we fully expect it will, her oxygen tanks and monitor will be a thing of the past. The folks that provide the equipment should arrive at the house in the next hour or so to deliver the special oxymeter.
The early intervention people paid a visit this morning to plan a course of action for the next 6 months. They were astounded by some of Mikaila’s abilities and accomplishments. For instance, Mikaila, when placed on her activity mat, will try to crawl toward, and reach for some of the objects attached to the mat. The reaching apparently is a 6 month skill. For the record, Mikaila’s corrected age is one month as her due date was exactly one month ago. They were very please with her overall progress and indicated that there really wasn’t anything that needed monitoring. However, given her birth and medical history, all aspects of her development should be systematically reviewed. We will have a monthly visit from a physical therapist and have access to specialists should any issues arise. They won’t.
About 20 minutes after the early intervention folks left the house, Mikaila executed another maneuver that is truly remarkable. Kim had placed Mikaila in her pack and play on her stomach. Moments later, Kim heard Mikaila fussing and looked over only to see Mikaila now lying on her back. Again, she is not supposed to be able to do this.
That’s about all I have for now. Kim uploaded a few pictures for your viewing pleasure.

OMG!!!!...you are right Dara..she is NOT supposed to be turning over....this baby is truely a miracle baby....my my.....Mikaila!....you never fail to amaze me....you are way ahead of all of us!!!
Sending tons of hugs and kisses your way, oh-our-miracle-baby!
Congratulations Kim/Dara for such a great progress report of your sweet baby!!
God bless all of you!
Wow Kim and Dara! You have a super baby! She was premature, because she wanted to be out and about and doing things. Look at her progress! Hats off to you and to all those who have helped you guys get through the last few months. Mashallah, it's wonderful to see Mikaila so rosy, healthy and happy and doing so brilliantly.
Dara, please start putting big chunks of money for Harvard University or the likes, because if things go as Mikaila plans she will be a child prodigy and will be doing things way ahead of her time. Inshallah.
Love to all of you.
Oops ...posting again:
Happy Day next Saturday when we'll get off a friend's boat in Cape Cod & make a pilgrimage to Mikaila!
Bill will get to hold his adorable step-grandbaby for the first time. (I told him he needs to practice with grapefruit ... carrying 3 or 4at a time...no juggling allowed).
And Diane, I promise the prize wine bottle will be handled just as carefully en route!
WELL???? what were the findings of the overnight oxymetry???? Mikaila's public wants to know!
and... what's her weight these days? (I have a feeling that the last three customized onsies sitting on my dining room table in "just born" size are going to be a tad snug!) Oh well, she will have the best-dressed stuffed animals on the block.
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