Mikaila has had an interesting journey of late. Her feeding issues persist though they have improved considerably. She has seen the wife of our primary pediatrician (she claims to be a doctor as well although I see no evidence)and we have come away unsatisfied. Per her instructions, we put her on another formula- one that essentially predigested. They refer to it as being hypoallergenic. Well, Mikaila couldn't stand the taste (or smell for that matter) of the new formula. Frankly, we smelled it and it is none to pleasing. I don't blame her. She wouldn't take more than an ounce of that crap at a time. We discontinued use of that garbage within a few feeds. When we called the doctor, we were told to switch back to the original, milk-based formula. We were not in support of this idea but we decided to give it a try. At this point, Mikaila had been off of the milk-based formula for four days (we had a several days of straight breast milk mixed in there). When we reintroduced the milk-based formula, she showed signs of a red, blotchy rash on her cheeks and chin. Classic sign of an aversion to milk. It seems our milk allergy theory has some credence. We called the doctor yet again and they suggested we go back to the hypoallergenic formula.
Wow. Take a breath. I'm sure I missed something there but I'll keep going. In the eight days in between doctors appointments, Mikaila gained only 2 ounces. She had been gaining an ounce/day so 7 grams/day just doesn't cut it. Not only was she struggling with her feeds but she was spitting up a ton, further compounding her issues. The visiting nurse showed up on Thursday and we showed her Mikaila in action. Although she is taking her bottle quite a bit better than she had, she still is struggling and did so as the nurse looked on. As a collective, we made a decision. We decided to stick with breast milk for a few days to calm down her tummy. Although the calories are reduced with the absence of the extra calories, we were confident that she would at least keep her feeds down. Soon we will slowly reintroduce the disgusting, I mean hypoallergenic formula- maybe start with a fraction of the prescribed amount to acclimate her to the taste.
Kim's sister Kelly mentioned that Early Intervention, a program we benefit from, has a feeding specialist. After consulting the visiting nurse we decided to inquire as to availability. We spoke with Ellen, our Early Intervention coordinator, and scheduled an appointment for September 10.
Her recent diet of pure breast milk has really improved her feedings. Mikaila hasn't had a spitup in two days and has slowly improved her acceptance of the bottle. She still will fight the nipple but we well past the instances of 45-60 minute feeds. However, we recognise that she really needs the extra calories as she is now roughly 9 lbs and she will be 5 months old tomorrow.
We did the second overnight oxymetry on Tuesday night and we think it went much better. That is to say, the machine seemed to perform as it should, unlike its predicessor. We expect that the data will support a decision to get rid of that fricken monitor; the bane of our collective existence.
I think that's about it. I'll add a few pics later.
My my....these pictures just kept getting cuter and cuter. Now do I see a dimple at Mikaila's chin?...how cute is that!
I just don;t know why they make such 'stinky' milk...my baby will not even look at a bottle and will only have breast milk....my friends daughter (who is 6 mths)has also refused to take the bottle at all. I don't blame these babies....and now Nyle won't even eat baby food from the store I have to make it at home.I tasted the baby food and it was horrible!...I wish you could just keep her on breast milk as it is the best for baby, designed especially for baby.I was told to just keep taking the prenatal vitamins until I am breast feeding.
Lets see what the feeding specialist will say on Sept 10.Until then, take care Mikaila!
Hiya Dara and Kim,
I've been in New Jersey for our holidays with my sister and parents, thus the lack of comments.
Dara, I swear Mikaila looks like you and your dad in the first picture where she's grinning. Definatly a glimpse there of the Shareef genes! (Finally.. LOL).
I have to agree with Atiya on the issue of breast milk. According to my mother, breast milk is the best food for a baby upto the 6 month mark. After that other foods have to be introduced.
With Mikaila being 5 months old now, have you started her on semi solids? Once again, with her sensitive stomach..mashed banana's are the best, or stewed apples. As far as the disgusting formula is concerned.. don't force the issue, or she'll hate food for ever! She'll become a fussy eater, and that's something every parent can do without.
I'm sure you two are getting advice left, right and centre, and even though unwarranted, I decided to put in my 2 cents worth. I hope you don't mind.
Hugs to both of you. Mikaila looks adorable and beautiful in the pictures.
Hugs to Charlene mumani too if she's around.
The last five days of going through this with Mikaila have been a grammy's nightmare... yet in the end SO rewarding. Holding "Her Cuddiliness" was in itself such a treat... but I love that we were able in the end to watch her improve, literally overnight, from major projectile vomiting of the tiny amounts she was able to take ... to holding down all of an almost normal daily amount. Hooray! She'll be growing like a weed again.
An adorable little weed with the most sunny/smiley/happy disposition imaginable. Mikaila tries so hard to do what we want her to do and is such a little trooper she doesn't actually cry. Just asks in this wonderfully melodic Mikaila-speak for us to somehow please make it stop hurting. Thank God she was able to successfully, and with such an indominable inner radiance, climb another mountain.
Grow Mikaila Grow!!!
Probably some reason why you havent tried it, but maybe Mikaila wants to trying nursing. If she is stuggling with the bottle perhaps she will have success on the breast. Just a suggestion...and I could be way off base not knowing all the details. Just thought I'd mention it.
Also if she is more prone to allergies or food sensitivities I would steer clear of solids for as long as possible. It could just add more problems into the mix. Breast milk is best nutrition for infants under 1 year. I think its so awesome that Kim is still pumping to give little Mikaila the best start in life. Solids are not necessary in baby's diet until 1 year. For more info check out http://www.kellymom.com/nutrition/solids/delay-solids.html or http://www.llli.org/ They have some great forums and sections on baby's health issues, pumping, and nursing premature babies. All in all you are doing what is best for her and I think the specialist will help alot. Sorry if I went overboard but I just wanted to pass on some information that has helped me.
Glad to see she is happy and growing.
Liz (Ben's sister in law)
She is sure cute, give her lots of hugs from us. : )
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