Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A very good day for Mikaila

I'd like to start by thanking everyone again for all of your thoughts, notes, prayers and gifts. We appreciate each and every one of you. We may not respond to your emails. I hope you know that we do appreciate all of your gestures.

This morning, they upped Mikaila's feeds to 14mls every 3 hours. She really tolerated her feeds well today. I don't think she had any aspirates. She did so well in fact that they have decided to reintroduce the milk fortifier for her next feed. So, by the time I finish this post, Mikaila will be getting the additional calories, calcium and phosphorous that she so dearly needs. Wish her well. We expect that she will handle it quite a bit better than she did last week. She only gained 5 grams yesterday but after gaining 35 grams the prior day, the nurses were happy that she was able to maintain her gains. They will weigh her again for her midnight feed.

They also took out her picc line today. That is very good news. As I mentioned yesterday, doctors and nurses have to be constantly cognisant of potential infection points.

We just learned a few minutes ago that they would be reducing the pressure through her nose canulets from 3 to 2. Her respiratory system has been very strong all along and this is yet another indication.

That is about all there is to report. Kim and I stayed away from her today as we are both battling colds. I guess it isn't surprising that we are a tad run down. We will update again tomorrow night.

D, K & M

1 comment:

jlucas said...

Dear Kimmie and Dara,
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter Mikaila. You are all in our thoughts and prayers as Mikaila grows stronger. From the looks of her progress to date...she has a bit of Aunt Dort's feistiness. It will serve her well in life.
Joan and Mike Lucas