Tuesday, May 20, 2008

She gained weight

Forgive the brevity of this post. I just checked in to the hotel and am about to head down for dinner. Mikaila had three consecutive bottles today, the second of which contained her second course of lasix. Remarkably, she still gained 70 grams today. She now stands at 1690 grams or 3 lbs 11 1/2 ounces. Her respiratory status hasn't changed so they may decide to continue her lasix treatments. That's it for tonight.


Charlene said...

Your mother is worried about you having dinner so late at night. You may weigh a bit more than Mikaila, but you are still my baby!

kellyb said...

345670 grams in one day- that's a Mikaila record...Or shall we say a "milestone"?! She'll be hitting the 4 lb mark in no time.

kellyb said...

oops- I meant 70 grams (little typo)

Mike B. sr said...

Kelly, was math your strong subject? I seem to remember maybe not. How does one confuse 345670 with 70? Only you my dear.

kellyb said...

It's just that my math is so far advanced from everyone else's that noone can figure it out.