Saturday, August 16, 2008

A little better

We visited the doctor on Thursday to get a diagnosis of Mikaila's issue. Unfortunately, Dr. Miller was not on duty so we had to settle for his wife. Fortunatly for us, his wife is in fact a doctor. Or so we are told. After a semi-thorough evaluation, Dr. Elmer detected what she thought was some redness in her throat. Her diagnosis was Coxsackie Virus. We disagree. Among the symptoms of Coxsackie other than an irritated throat are fever,blisters on the extremeties and in the mouth. She has none of these. There is no antidote for Coxsackie; you simply have to let it run its course. She mentioned Tylenol to help with the uncomforable throat.

The theory we currently subscribe to is quite simple. We think her reflux manifests in frequent and often substantial spit ups/throw ups. Throwing up can lead to an uncomfortable throat. I remember from my college days. The stomach acids that assist in the digestion process can do a number on the throat. She has figured out that pain comes during and shortly after taking a bottle. Although less glamorous than Coxsackie, this diagnosis seems more plausable given the symptoms.

She has been slightly better today taking her bottle. After taking only 13 ounces on Thursday and 15 on Friday, she is on pace to fall within the acceptable range of 18-27 ounces today. We still have to fight her to get the nipple into her mouth but the battle typicaly lasts only 10-15 minutes or so. Still less than ideal but much better.

In support of our theory (admitedly proffered by both grandmothers) we have decided to try her on straight breast milk. One characteristic of many members of Kim's family is lactose intelerance. They don't care for lactose and they won't stand for it. The formula is milk based so she may be reacting poorly to the dairy in the formula additive. Although she is taking only 50-70 mls at a time she hasn't had what we consider to be reflux related spit ups today. Her two spitups were a direct result of her fussing with the nipple in her mouth and gagging. Before this episode, she was getting 80-100 mls every 2.5-3 hours (although we would let her sleep as long as she wanted overnight). Today, we have been feeding her whenever she will take it. She is getting less at each feed so occassionally, we feed her an hour after the last feed.

I failed to mention that she was weighed at the doctor's office. She weighed 8 lbs 15 ounces. She gained a scant 2 ounces in 8 days. Although upsetting, the number isn't surprising given her reduction in intake and frequent spit ups.

So, we are still somewhat confused and a bit concerned but encouraged that she is at least showing some progress.

We'll post an update when we have more to say.


Unknown said...

Hmmm...ok good.

Unknown said...

It is nice to hear a 'beep free Mikaila' in the video clip!

Charlene said...

It certainly sounds like the problem is the dairy-based additive... I didn't realize it had a dairy base! You could not tolerate dairy until you were over a year old Dara, and only could have soy milk after the breast milk.
Can't wait to see you all tomorrow and hold my beautiful granddaughter! SO glad she's feeling a bit better and I'm sure this positive trend will continue... Love to All.

Wendy's mom said...

Brooke is just getting over coxsackie (also known as hand,foot and mouth). They do not have to have blisters on the hands and feet, they are just tender. Did Mikaila run a fever? Brooke's was as high as 104.7. Diarrhea is also a symptom as well as vomiting. They feel ache and definately have a sore throat. There are some good soy formula's out there and if you suspect a milk/lactose/milk protein problem ask about using Isomil formula. It has been around for over 30yrs. and has a good reputation. Breast milk is best but Isomil may be the runner up! See what MD says. Hope little Mikaila is better soon.