Monday, August 11, 2008

Problems with the Bottle

We have run into a bit of an issue with Mikaila related to her feeds. For some reason, she shows no interest in her bottle while at the same time exhibiting gestures indicating that she is hungry. Quite the conundrum. She will show clear signs of hunger- mimicking nursing, nibbling on our clothing (or occasionally on my nose)- but when presented with a bottle, she pushes it away. She'll push the bottle away with her hands, turn her head or once the nipple is in, she push back with her tongue. Often times she will cause herself to gag and eventually spit up. Eventually, we are able to get her to take the bottle and she is without exception pissed at us when we stop her feed to burp her. Her feeds now take 30-45 minutes when they had always taken 15 minutes. We have no idea what is going on. She has never had a problem with taking a bottle. This occured somewhat out of nowhere.

I should add that she did have her 4 month shots a few days before the issues occurred. These shots can often lead to grumpiness and fever but these symptoms seem different. When I called the doctor and spoke with the nurse they concluded that she was either suffering the effects of a stomach bug or reeling from the shots. We don't buy it. She isn't feverish at all and her diapers have been consistently wet. So, I will be calling tomorrow and I will not be speaking with a nurse. If we learn anything, I will post it in the next few days.

Last week the physical therapist made a cameo. I was way off. There were no squat thrusts and nary a flab jiggling machine to be found. She instead focused on baby massage. Him was taught the various techniques that will aid in her muscle development. After she gets a rub down, Kim puts her in the hot tub for a soak and then a quick steam followed by a fruity umbrella drink to keep her hydrated. The massage should also help to desensitize her to touch. She no longer kicks if her feet are touched.

Someone had asked if Mikaila was beginning to take to her baths. She actually has. I'm not sure she loves bathing yet but it no longer causes her distress. She seems to have accepted baths as a part of her routine.

Mikaila has been making some very cute noises. She seems to be finding her voice. Kim took a few short video clips so enjoy. Beleive me when I say that they don't quite capture the real thing but for now will have to serve as a proxy for the real thing.

We are still doing the due diligence on her feeding problems. If you have any suggestions we are willing to entertain theories.

Last thing, other than her displeasure with her current bottle, she seems very content and exceedingly cute. Off the charts cute.


Anonymous said...

My experience is that once a baby learns to use their tongue it is one of the areas they can control. Many will try new nipples (usually doesn't make a real difference). When she is hungry she will eat. It does make feedings longer but don't give up and let her know that the control is more yours then hers. The shots definately do not help the issue. Babies do not always (and often don't) run a temperature they just feel "lousy". Ache all over, appetite off, grumpy. Did they MD tell you to give her tylenol for at least 24 hours after just for the ache? Good luck, most of this part of parenthood is hit and miss and finding out what the little controller is going to do next!! Good luck.

Charlene said...

Dara, I'm really curious what the doctor says as to when she might start with the liquidy foods, apple sauce, pureed things etc. I remember you wanted that sort of thing after only a couple of months on milk. I guess its hard to judge Mikaila's true age, but she seems ahead of the pack on so many things ... who knows? Maybe she's bored! Or maybe she's just a fussy eater like her paternal grammy... See you and Kimmy and Mikaila next week. Can't wait!

Unknown said...

Lovely video....sweet sweet Mikaila!...
Hope you get to talk to her pediatrician soon about this...
Do keep us posted...
Thanks Dara!