It has been a while but I'll do a quick update for those of you that are still with us..... Radio silence................................
Mikaila continues to give us troubles with her feeds. Each day is a struggle and unlike the previous days. We have yet to see a pattern emerge. One day, she will shun breast feeding. The next, she will fight the bottle yet embrace the breast. Smart girl. We do have a feeding specialist through early intervention that will visit every 4 weeks. She is well intentioned but I'm not sure we have learned anything substantive. We'll keep at it. Her growth has been ok. She gained 5 1/2 ounces in the past week. At this point, anything more than half an ounce per day is acceptable so 5 1/2 ounces in 7 days is pretty good.
We had our second eye exam today for little miss Mikaila. They were looking for development with the blood vessles in the eye. As was the case during her original visit her eyes were perfect. We didn't get any indication of the strength of her vision.
Last week, the folks at Anthem finally came to take away the oxygen canisters and monitor. About freakin time! She had been off of oxygen for months yet we couldn't rid our lives of the monitor. We hope the lack of monitor will eventually translate into more sleep.
We added a few pics and a short video. You will see or should I say hear on the clip that Mikaila is very vocal. Enjoy.
Yes, I still check in each morning to see how things are going with all of you. My prayers will always be with Mikaila. PS thanks for the pics-SHE IS BEAUTIFUL
MAUREEN G (Granpa Mike's sister)
Dara and Kim,
I look everyday to see if Dara has updated the blog. It's almost like Mikaila has grown up and left home now that we don't hear so often about her.
But she looks great. Obviously loves her voice!!! And Dara, she looks so much like you, it's unbelievable.
Take care you guys.. and hugs to all 3 of you!
well, i can't say i'm checking in every morning, but i have probably checked at least half a dozen times since the last update. i'm sorry she is giving you such a tough time--but i have to say (if the pictures are anything to go by) she sure looks like she is doing fine. my pediatrician always reminded me (when i thought something was amiss (ie. feedings, growth, speech etc.) to look at the whole picture--all of the factors. does she pee, poop, sleep, grow, gain weight, vocalize, look around, smile, act interested in things? he would say, if all of those things seem to be on track then the "issue" is probably going to be ok.
that's what he would always say--and he was always right.
i love to see a new update every now and then--but don't expect the frequency of the early days (look back at the first month of posts!!)
Mikaila is beautiful and she LOOKS vibrant and healthy and wiggly and plump! keep up the good work--if you can keep your eyes open. and remember that the medical definition of "sleeping through the night" is only 5 hours!!!!!
that is BREIDA stutzman!!
Its delightful to see our big girl looking so feisty. No question this baby has already demonstrated gusto in so many ways, I'm not surprised that she already knows how to voice her opinions ("words" being but minor details here.) Maybe she'll be a singer like most of us in my family. Bill and I are SO looking forward to our visit in the next few days. Love to All...
Wow Kim Dara ....Mikaila looks stunning!!! baby :)
And now is can see a little Kim in her too....I think now she is a perfect mixture of you both. Lovely...
Yes my dear Dara...sometimes babies give a hard time to eat. My baby would rather starve himself them even have a bottle come near him. And I am almost out of breast milk too.... :(
So long as baby is acitve, hydrated and something in her tummy....she is good to go.
I just love all of these pictures and I can't believe how grown up she looks!
All the best guys!!!
Ok Dara...I am in need of another update....are the hard wood floors in, ready for Mikaila to rock n' roll on to?
Have ya'all introduced any solid foods yet? If so, what does she like the most??....And is she doing any new baby tricks? know, like crawling, trying to sit up...rollin' over n'stuff...she will be 7 months on the 24th right?...and have you guys taken her out for a walk in the stroller yet?
And last but not least....does she sleep better at night?
Take care Buddy..
hugs and love :)
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