We really didn't get any techniques from the specialist. She did recommend that we change up our patterns. Mikaila often will get upset and sometimes hysterical when we put her in position to eat but before we even introduce the bottle. The specialist mentioned that we might change her position. Also, we have noticed that when Mikaila gets very upset often the only thing that will calm her down is swaddling her. When she gets hysterical she will not eat so we need to be more proactive to avoid her reaching that state. She generally eats without issue when she eats moments after awaking from a nap. We have been using that to our advantage as well and she validated that thesis. The take away is that we have to keep her calm and only introduce the bottle when she is calm.
When Mikaila went to the doctor last, she weighed 9 lbs 9 ounces. Some five days later, she still weighed 9 lbs 9oz. However, her feeds following the doctors visit had been very difficult and at the same time we were trying to get her re-aclimated to breast feeding so her lack of weight gain is not surprising. Two days later she had gained 2 more ounces placing her at 9 lbs 11 ounces on 9/11. Her feeds have gotten better since then so we do expect her to begin gaining weight again. Getting back to her doctor's visit, the doctor wasn't concerned with her weight. The trend was still acceptable so we will continue our current course of pure breast milk. At this point, 1/2 ounce per day is more realistic
I think that is about it. We'll add a few pics in a bit.

Oh Mikaila, What big eyes you have!!!!
Adorable. You guys are doing great! Mikaila is just a little girl who has her parents wrapped around her little pinkie. She is just testing you guys and pushing your buttons. Don't worry.. All kids do the same!!
Love and hugs.
So happy to hear that, with loving persistence and indomitable optimism, you to have found a way around your poor baby's aversion to her bottle, (based of course on all those months they made you feed her cow's milk which was frankly like poison to her! I can't believe they had to wait for her to display a facial rash and that she was so strong it took that long!)Anyway, in spite of that she is growing and thriving... having the best parents any child could have! God Bless You Kimmy and Dara! Can't wait to see you all in a few days...
Adorable pictures. She looks like a little celebrity!!!
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