We weighed Mikaila this evening; she posted a modest gain from Monday tipping the scales at roughly 6 lbs 10 ounces. Her weight gain is anything but predictible. She continues to be a voracious eater so I really have no explanation for her modest gains in the past few days.
Mikaila is on a different monitor now; one that tracks her oxygen saturation and heart rate through a probe that we attach to her foot. The chest probes are a thing of the past. Two wires down one (and one tube) to go. We have had problems with the new monitor as it often fails to pick up a signal. Mikaila will be satting in the high 90's and all of a sudden, the monitor will give off its brutally annoying sound. Fortunately, or unfortunately for us affected by the sound, it typically is indicative of nothing related to Mikaila. It simply doesn't work propperly. We get preciously little sleep as it is. We certainly don't need electronic monitors exascerbating our sleep deprivation. We're doing quite alright with that ourselves. The very strange man from the respiratory company stopped by today with a replacement cord. Let's hope the cord was the culprit.
That's about it for tonight. I really didn't sleep last night other than quick snoozes in between the monitor alarms so I might go up stairs for a quick nap. Kim will hopefully post a few pics later this evening.
How could such a cute child keep anyone up late at night. I just don't beleive it. Look at how she smiles.... she's just looking for company. Sorry I had to bail on you guys. But I shall return before she's in high school. Hang in there it keeps getting better and better. Once the air comes off you will be good to go.
(beleive = believe)
I am very happy to see Mikaila doing so very well....thank you God!
Dear Mikaila,
Please pray that I get to lose weight as fast as you gain it!
Mikaila is beautiful. I have tried to reach you but the email address was not right. She is amazeing in so many ways, and you both are really great parents just full of love for your child. You have a strong bond that will never end.
I am so glad she liked that glider, I know Destin loved his most of all, so I thought Mikaila would like one. Love Always Auntie Cheryl
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