And now for something completely different; a picture of Mikaila. This particular piece features our young hero wrapped in a blanky after her first bath at home. Enjoy.
I just weighed her after a diaper change but before her third dinner. Keep in mind that we weighed her with her new, clean diaper on to avoid catastrophe (Kim is catching a rare nap and I don't want to have to deal with the potential fallout of a diaperless Mikaila.) Mikaila weighed 5 lbs 5 ounces. An empty diaper weighs far less than half an ounce so keep that in mind. Her true weight is probably pretty close to that number.
Is it too late for me to 'weigh in'?? My official guess is 5 lbs. 9 oz. She looks so beautiful after her bath! Tell her she has a new cousin who had basically the same due date as Mikaila. Casey Marie Lucas was born this past Saturday at around 10 pm in Syracuse. Casey is the daughter of Gary and Kim Lucas and the FIRST granddaughter for my big bro, Jim Lucas (who, like me, is a first cousin of Davia). So, go ahead and figure out "how many times removed" cousins the two little ones are; my deranged brain can't do it right now!! They have all been reading this blog while awaiting the birth of Casey. Love and kisses to Mikaila!
Congratulations to Gary and to Casey's Mom,Kim who had the same due date as Mikaila's Mom, Kim!...
And 5 lb 9 oz looks so popular as a guess we might have to come up with a second and third prize!
No problem ... we drink too much wine anyway.
Ok so since my guess is the nearest weight, does this mean I have won the fabulous wine bottle or am I wishful thinking? :)
What if I don't want a bottle of wine???? Besides I don't drink!!!! (Teetotaller here!)
Can I have money instead?????? LOL
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